What a question! But with over half of internet users under the age of 25, young people are central to any discussion about peace and security in the digital space. Therefore, here I’m trying to understand how my love for technology and digital platforms can make a difference.
Digital platforms and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are essential to promote new ventures for civic participation and engagement. For young people, the use of powerful tools gives us the endowment to create and disseminate data in unprecedented and transformative ways.
We can and are leading the path with our innovative use of the internet. In Rodeemos el Diálogo we have adapted online peacebuilding activities in which everyone can be an active user and thrive in challenging contexts by using digital peacebuilding tools to shape positive discourses of peace.
How? You may ask.
Some of the key ideas that I want to share are:
💬 Work to enable voices and push your influence through social expression.
Amidst the ongoing digital revolution, we need to work on digital tech that benefits everyone. Social media platforms, blogs, podcasts, and online forums can be used by young peacebuilders as innovative vehicles of peace promotion and digital storytelling for rapid and sustained engagement.
📰 Let’s change the narrative and debunk harmful narratives and fake news.
Digital storytelling can bring people together. It takes time but it’s fundamental for enabling conditions. In today’s media ecosystem, misinformation is spread intentionally and unintentionally on a massive scale. We have the power to share the right information in the right way faster and with more people. Let’s do it!
🤲 Dialogue and networking.
Young peacebuilders can tap into large and powerful online communities to drive social change by creating new spaces for people to talk, connect and organize. ReD has tapped into powerful, open, and inclusive spaces to exchange and share knowledge, mobilize and drive social change for peace in a time of social distancing such as Breakfast for Peace each Saturday. Prepare a Tintico and join us!
Digital technology can address peace in new and innovative ways. Let us unite our creativity and passion for harnessing the power of young people and best capitalize on the use of digital technologies to build a peaceful society.